1. 黑暗之魂 怎么能听得懂蜘蛛女说话

需要装备老魔女戒指 获得方法:
1 建立人物的时候礼物选老魔女戒指
2 给白蜘蛛女30个人性后打开恶魔遗迹去废都的捷径,捷径里有只红色眼睛的太阳虫,杀了拿到太阳虫头盔后返回北方不死院在鸟巢能换到

2. Lol蜘蛛女王 伊利丝的选角语言的日文怎样写啊 没记错的话,发音是 Watashi no sud

  1. 「私の巣で、そっとお眠り」在我的巢里悄悄地睡吧

    罗马音:watashino sude sotto onemuri

  2. watashi no 【私の】、【私】是 自称代名词,是【我】的一般称呼 の做格助词连起来中文意思是 【我的】。

  3. 附全台词










移动时(Spider Form)



3. 王权富贵和蜘蛛精的一段台词。“你以后不用再织丝了。”“是我织的的景不好看吗”求完整一点的台词。


4. 黑暗之魂白蜘蛛女怎么对话


5. 蜘蛛女皇出场台词


6. 请求蜘蛛美女合集,谁有的的话发一份给我,谢谢大家


7. LOL蜘蛛女皇说过全部的话

Weak willed fools!
Dangling by a thread.
I know the true path.
They need... guidance.
Hmm, why so tense Relax.
There's nothing to fear.
Every web, a masterpiece.
I have... refined tastes.
It will all be over soon.
Come closer, I don't BITE!We must all make sacrifices.
The spider demands sacrifice.
Ah, the tangled webs we weave.
The spider, I. And you, the fly.
I know what lurks in the shadows.
My true beauty is beneath the skin.
Pull the strings. Watch them dance.
I can show them the way to divinity.
I hear a man likes a lady with legs.
Patience…Now I thrive!Sate my hunger!
Simply delicious.
Tangled in my web.Surprise!
I DO bite.
Partake of my poison.
I can feel their fear.
I lurk in every shadow.
Nothing escapes MY web.
Skitter along, my pets.Strand by silken strand.
Nothing but buzzing flies.
The pain will be fleeting.
They'll make quite the mess.
The spider, I. And you, the fly.
Ha! It's all in the body language.
How fast can they run on two legs?
Ha! Ladies wish they had legs like me.
东祭坛The spider welcomes you, Elise!We thank you for your gifts, Elise!
西祭坛Your humanity traded away, and for what?Your power is not worth the price, Elise.