『壹』 求:绿箭侠男主角和女主角假结婚的表白台词

You brought me into the light.
I was darkness, but with your kindness, your generosity, your compassion, your intelligence, your wit and your trust...
You brought me into the light.
You let me know that I deserved it.
You were that light.
And I don't know if I sitll deserve that trust or if I deserve you...
I probably not.
But whatever has happened whatever will happen, the way that you make me feel is...
The best part of my life.
You can ask me to say that I don't love you, but I will never lie to you again.
You are my always.
And I just want the chance to be yours.

『贰』 急求绿箭侠片头语!!就是有什么。。。炼狱什么的。。那句话!!

My name is Oliver Queen. 我叫Oliver Queen.For five years I was stranded on an island with only one goal, --survive.五年来,我被困在孤岛上,唯一的目标是活下去。[新闻播报员]"Oliver Queen is alive."“Oliver Queen 还活着。”Now I'll fulfill my father's dying wish:如今我将完成我父亲的遗愿:[父亲]"Make it home. Right my wrongs." [Oliver]"NO!!!"“回家,替我纠正我的过错。”【枪响】“不!”to use the list of names he left me and bring down those who are poisoning my city.参照着他留给我的这份名单,将这些城市的毒瘤一个个打倒。To do this, I must become someone else. 为了达到这个目的,我必须成为另一个人。I must become...something else.必须成为...另一种存在。

我给出第一季第二季片头英文对比吧 稍微有改动
Season 2
My name is Oliver Queen,After five years on a hellish island, I have come home with only one goal, to save my city. But to do so, I can't be the killer I once was. To honor my friends memory, I must be someone else. I must be...something else.

Season 1
My name is Oliver Queen.For 5 years, I was stranded on an island with only one goal--survive.Now I will fulfill my father's dying wish.To use the list of names he left me,and bring down those who are poisoning my city.To do this, I must become someone else.I must become...something else

『叁』 绿箭侠第三季结局Oliver杀死Ra's时说的什么话

它是阿拉伯语,是The Fortification of the Muslim的第156卷:

"O Allah, forgive and have mercy upon him, excuse him and pardon him, and make honourable his reception. Expand his entry, and cleanse him with water, snow, and ice, and purify him of sin as a white robe is purified of filth. Exchange his home for a better home, and his family for a better family, and his spouse for a better spouse. Admit him into the Garden, protect him from the punishment of the grave and the torment of the Fire."

Allâhumma ghfir lahu wa rhamhu wa câfihi, wa cfu canhu, wa akrim nuzulahu, wa wassic mudkhalahu, wa ghsilhu bi-l-mâ'i wa th-thalji wa-l-baradi. Wa naqqihi mina-l-khatâya kamâ naqqayta th-thawba-l-abyada mina d-danasi. Wa abdilhu dâran khayran min dârihi, wa ahlan khayran min ahlihi, wa zawjan khayran min zawjihi. Wa dkhilhu-l-jannata wa acidh-hu min cadhâbi-l-qaqbr [wa cadhâbi n-nâr].

『肆』 绿箭侠里有一句经典语句:一旦黑夜侵入了你,你就再也出不来了。有人可以帮我翻译成英语吗

Once invaded the night you, you will never out

『伍』 你追过的剧里,被哪些精彩的英文台词感动过


Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night’s Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.


You must really like him if you were willing to let him know that you're an insane person.


It doesn't take a lot of strength to hang on, it takes a lot of strength to let go.


You make millions of decisions that mean nothing, and then one day your order takes out and it changes your life.



『陆』 有人有绿箭侠的完整英文台词吗

My name is oliver queen.After five years on a hellish island.I have came home with only one goal———To save my city.But todo so, I can’t be the killer I once was.But to do so, I can’t be the killer I once was.To honor my friend’s memory, I must be some one else.I must be something else.

『柒』 绿箭侠开始时有一句话,另辟蹊径前面的一段话是什么了

第一季是I must be someone else.第二季是to honor my friend's memory I must be someone else

『捌』 绿箭侠第四季第一集求婚的那段话


『玖』 绿箭侠》台词,要英文版的

The name of the island they found me on is Lian Yu. 他们找到我的那座岛,名为炼狱 I've been stranded here for 5years. 我在此困居了年 I've dreamt of my rescue every cold black night since then. 每个寒冷黑夜我都期盼着有人前来相救。 For 5 years,I have had only one thought ,one goal——survive,survive and one day return home. 这五年里,我只有一个念头,一个目标——活下去,活下去且有朝一日重返家园。 The island held many dangers.To live,I had to make myself more than what I was,to forge myself into a weapon. 这座岛上危机四伏。为了生存,我不断突破自己,将自己打造成一柄利器。 I am returning not the boy who was shipwrecked,but the man who will bring justice to those who have poisoned my city.My name is Oliver Queen. 现在踏上归途的我,已不是那个遇难的男孩,而是一个为我饱受荼毒的城市带来正义的男人。我是奥利弗奎恩。 you have failed this city 你辜负了这座城市